Berlin, Germany: The German Association for Consumer Studies (DtGV) has recognized EDLIGO GmbH as one of Germany’s 3 most innovative medium-sized companies in Software and Hardware. The recognition results from a study conducted to identify the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany across 30 industry sectors.

The study evaluated the patent performance of German companies with revenues not exceeding one billion EURO between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2022. It adopted an innovative approach to calculating an innovation score that reflected the companies’ patent activity and economic relevance. The study identified EDLIGO as one of the top-performing ones and included it in the list of 500 most innovative companies.

EDLIGO is a leading software company that provides innovative solutions to customers across a range of industries, including AI-based Talent Analytics and Learning Analytics. Founded in 2014, the company has a proven track record of delivering cutting-edge products and services that meet the needs of its customers.

EDLIGO’s recognition is proof of the organization’s steadfast commitment to innovation and research, and to delivering advanced products and services to its customers.

We are delighted to be named one of the top 3 most innovative software and hardware companies in Germany. This recognition reflects our team’s dedication and hard work in pushing the boundaries of technology and providing innovative solutions to our clients, said Dr. Lassaad Essafi, the Chief Executive Officer at EDLIGO.


The full publication can be found under the links:

Most innovative Software and hardware companies:–33248248.html

Top 500 innovative companies across all sectors:–das-sind-die-innovativsten-mittelstaendler-deutschlands-33309362.html


EDLIGO GmbH is a leading company specializing in AI-powered Talent and Learning Analytics. Founded in Erlangen and incubated at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Germany’s most innovative university, EDLIGO aspires to be at the forefront of technology and innovation.

EDLIGO has a strong track record, with customers successfully using our platform in more than ten countries. EDLIGO has a team of experienced, innovative, and highly committed people that elevate talent management to the next level.

EDLIGO is top 3 most Innovative company in Germany
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