EDLIGO Talent Analytics Introduces a Comprehensive Workforce Planning Module

EDLIGO Talent Analytics Introduces a Comprehensive Workforce Planning Module

EDLIGO, a leading provider of AI-powered Talent Analytics solutions, is thrilled to announce the release of its latest module, designed to help organizations improve workforce planning, employee matching, and project staffing. These module empowers organizations to strategically align their workforce with business objectives, leveraging HR analytics, workforce analytics, skills inventory, and learning recommendations.

EDLIGO Talent Analytics introduces a paradigm shift in workforce planning by moving away from traditional role-based assignments. Instead, employees are matched to tasks based on their skills, competencies, adjacent skills, availability, and aspirations.

The Workforce Planning Process with EDLIGO involves several key areas:

Analyzing the status quo: In this initial stage an in-depth examination of the organization’s talent is conducted. This entails evaluating the current workforce’s skills, competencies, and career aspirations. For example, a technology company may analyze the proficiency of its software engineers in programming languages like Python, Java, or C++, as well as their certifications and years of experience. As a result, the organization creates comprehensive and dynamic skills and talent inventory.

Analyzing and closing gaps: EDLIGO’s skills gap analysis helps identify skills gaps and provide targeted upskilling and reskilling plans to the employees. The advanced analytics capabilities offered by EDLIGO empower organizations to diagnose teams, departments and projects performance and risks effectively.

Matching skills to tasks: With resource search feature organizations can quickly find suitable people for any project. Managers can set criteria such as location, department, engagement, tenure, availability, skills and competencies and the platform provide a curated list of employees with required competencies showing the matching scores.

The Project Planning Assistant empowers leaders to create the best teams with the required skills for seamless project execution. Organizations can define project roles, location, timeframe, required skills and competencies at different levels, and EDLIGO will propose a team composition ensuring the best results.

Matching skills to tasks: EDLIGO Talent Analytics

EDLIGO’s Workforce Planning features enable organizations to proactively assemble well-equipped teams, optimize their workforce, and ensure seamless project execution. This proven process is widely utilized by numerous industries and organizations of varying sizes, ranging from multinational corporations to small businesses. By leveraging EDLIGO’s Workforce Planning capabilities, these entities can effectively align their talent strategies with their business objectives, thereby maximizing productivity and achieving success in their respective fields.

We are dedicated to empowering organizations with the tools they need to optimize their workforce planning and talent management strategies,” said Dr. Lassaad Essafi, Co-founder and CEO of EDLIGO. “Our latest enhancements provide organizations with data-driven insights and innovative capabilities, enabling them to identify and close competency gaps, align employee skills with business objectives, and drive success through effective workforce planning.”

With its state-of-the-art solutions for Talent Analytics, planning, organizing skills, and staff planning, EDLIGO Talent Analytics continues to lead the way in transforming talent management and enabling organizations to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape.


EDLIGO is an award-winning provider of AI-powered Talent Analytics solutions and one of the top 3 most innovative soft- and hardware companies in Germany. With a focus on fostering innovation in talent management, the company empowers organizations with data-driven insights to optimize talent decisions and transform their workforce planning strategies. EDLIGO equips companies with the tools to make informed choices, identify top talent, and drive success through cutting-edge technology.

For additional information about EDLIGO and its AI-powered Talent Analytics solutions, please visit www.edligo.com.

Would you like to have a demo call to see the new module? Please book it with our team here.

EDLIGO Receives HR Tech Award for Best Talent Intelligence Solution

EDLIGO Receives HR Tech Award for Best Talent Intelligence Solution

EDLIGO, a leading provider of AI-powered Talent Analytics solutions, is thrilled to announce that it has received the prestigious HR Tech Award for the Best Talent Intelligence Solution 2023. The announcement was made at the highly anticipated HR Tech Awards 2023 ceremony, which recognizes and celebrates the most innovative and impactful companies in the HR technology industry.

This initiative, powered by Lighthouse Research and Advisory, one of the HR technology industry’s most innovative research firms, provides peer-reviewed feedback and inputs on technology platforms built to serve employers and the workforce. The program has a rigorous judging component with a panel of independent practitioners, consultants, and educators.

In the four years we have done this program, hundreds of HR technology providers have sought to participate in the HR Tech Awards. Our judges strive to select technology solutions that have a real, measurable impact on employers. It’s such a pleasure to be able to congratulate the winners of this year’s program — they represent some of the very best that the industry has to offer,” said Ben Eubanks, Chief Research Officer at Lighthouse Research & Advisory.

We are incredibly proud to receive the HR Tech Award for Best Talent Intelligence Solution,” says Dr. Lassaad Essafi, Co-founder and CEO of EDLIGO. “This recognition underscores our commitment to empowering organizations with data-driven talent management strategies. Our Talent Analytics solutions have consistently helped our clients make informed decisions, optimize their workforce, and unlock the potential of their talent. This award is a testament to the dedication of our employees, customers, and partners to push the boundaries of innovation in the HR technology space.”

As one of the top three most innovative medium-sized hardware and software companies in Germany, EDLIGO continues to drive technological advancements and remains at the forefront of innovation. With a team of experienced and passionate professionals, EDLIGO is committed to elevating talent management practices to new heights and delivering cutting-edge solutions that transform the way organizations approach talent optimization.

The HR Tech Awards 2023 celebrate the remarkable achievements and revolutionary solutions in the HR technology landscape. The event brings together industry leaders, experts, and visionaries to foster collaboration and drive innovation in talent management and HR technology.


About HR Tech

HR Tech is a renowned institution committed to advancing HR technology and fostering collaboration among HR professionals, thought leaders, and solution providers. The HR Tech Awards recognize and celebrate the most groundbreaking and impactful companies in the HR technology industry, highlighting their contributions to driving innovation and shaping the future of talent management.

To learn more about the HR Tech Awards, please visit: https://hrtechawards.org/ 


EDLIGO is a leading provider of AI-powered Talent Analytics solutions. With a focus on driving innovation in talent management, EDLIGO empowers organizations with data-driven insights to optimize talent decisions. Its comprehensive suite of solutions includes Talent Analytics and Learning Analytics, enabling companies to make informed choices, identify top talent, and enhance workforce planning. With a strong track record of success and a global presence, EDLIGO is dedicated to transforming talent management through cutting-edge technology.

For additional information about EDLIGO and its AI-powered Talent Analytics solutions, please visit: www.edligo.com 

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – What You Need to Know

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – What You Need to Know

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a significant regulation aiming to improve the quality and relevance of sustainability reporting by European Union (EU) companies. The CSRD was proposed by the European Commission on April 21, 2021, and entered into force on January 5, 2023. The CSRD requires companies in Europe to report on their sustainability practices, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, using standardized sustainability reporting requirements.

A new EU legislation requires all large companies to publish regular reports on their environmental and social impact activities. Compliance is happening soon, as companies are required to submit their report aligning with the CSRD on 1 January 2025, for the 2024 financial year.

Although the CSRD primarily targets larger companies, smaller companies will also be affected indirectly. This is because many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) function as suppliers or service providers to larger companies, which are obliged to provide sustainability reports. Consequently, smaller companies will have to be prepared to respond to such requests and exhibit their commitment to sustainability.

The demand for sustainability reporting is not confined to the EU but is a worldwide phenomenon. Many multinational corporations have made sustainability a central aspect of their business strategy and anticipate their suppliers and service providers to do the same. As a result, sustainability is increasingly becoming a criterion for supplier selection and procurement decisions.

Smaller companies that do not prioritize sustainability may face a disadvantage when competing for business against larger, more sustainable rivals. Sustainability reporting, on the other hand, can assist smaller companies in developing their reputation, increasing their visibility, and enhancing their competitiveness.

It’s important to note that the CSRD is a directive of the European Union and may be applied differently in other countries. For instance, in Germany, a national law called Lieferkettengesetz has already been implemented, requiring companies to take responsibility for the social and environmental impact of their supply chains. Other countries may choose to adopt similar regulations or develop their own reporting requirements. Companies that operate globally may need to comply with multiple reporting frameworks, which can increase the complexity and cost of their sustainability reporting. Therefore, it’s crucial for companies to stay informed about the regulations and reporting requirements in the countries where they do business.

The regulation will impact the following types of companies:

  • Companies with more than 250 employees
  • Companies with a net turnover exceeding €40 million
  • Companies with a balance sheet total greater than €20 million

NFRD versus CSRD: Differences and Action Points

The Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) is a European Union directive that requires certain companies to report on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. Specifically, the NFRD requires “public interest entities” to disclose information on their ESG policies, risks, and outcomes.

NFRD versus CSRD: Differences and Action Points

What specific information will companies be required to reveal?

Additional to the NFRD Under Directive 2014/95/EU, large companies are required to publish information related to the:

  • Environmental protection
  • Social responsibility and treatment of employees
  • Respect for human rights
  • Anti-corruption and bribery and
  • Diversity on company boards

Also, the CSRD is adding additional requirements on:

  • Double materiality concept: Sustainability risk (including climate change) affecting the company + companies’ impact on society and the environment
  • Process to select material topics for stakeholders
  • More forward-looking information, including targets and progress
  • Disclose information relating to intangibles (social, human, and intellectual capital)
  • Reporting in line with Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the EU Taxonomy Regulation

    Obligation to Report

    Under the directive, non-EU companies with EU subsidiaries meeting specific annual revenue thresholds are obligated to disclose their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts.

    It is crucial to note that failure to comply with the CSRD reporting requirements may result in severe consequences. Companies that fail to report and comply with the CSRD face fines of up to 10 million Euros or 5% of their annual revenue. This significant penalty reflects the importance of transparent ESG reporting and encourages companies to prioritize their sustainability efforts.

    Benefits and Consequences of CSRD Compliance

    Investing in CSRD initiatives has many benefits for businesses.

    Cone Communications found that 88% of consumers are more likely to buy from companies that prioritize social and environmental issues.

    In addition, a study by Glassdoor found that 75% of employees expect their employers to take a stand on social issues, which includes sustainability. Furthermore, the Harvard Business Review found that companies that prioritize sustainability are more likely to outperform their peers in the long term.

    Companies with strong ESG practices have a lower cost of capital, which leads to higher profitability and stock returns. The benefits of CSRD initiatives are not just financial. A study by PwC found that diversity and inclusion initiatives can improve employee engagement, increase innovation, and improve decision-making. Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion also have a better reputation and are more likely to attract and retain top talent.

    However, companies that fail to comply with regulations can face significant penalties. Under the CSRD, companies that fail to comply with reporting requirements can face fines of up to 1% of their annual turnover. For example, French oil and gas company Total was fined for failing to adequately prevent a gas leak at one of its North Sea platforms, releasing nearly 50 tons of gas. Furthermore, Total is currently facing legal action in France over allegations of human rights and environmental violations related to its operations in Uganda.

    How CSRD Addresses the Problem of Quality Reporting

    The CSRD comes into play as Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting gains momentum. There is evidence that companies’ information is not sufficient in the reporting. According to the European Commission, “reports often omit information that investors and other stakeholders think is important.” Reported information can be difficult to benchmark from company to company, and users are often unsure whether they can trust it. With its new requirements, the EU is tackling the problem of quality reporting by establishing a common reporting framework. The CSRD aims to ensure that businesses report reliable and comparable sustainability information to re-orient investments towards more sustainable technologies and companies.

    HR professionals play a vital role in enhancing their organization’s strategic impact through CSRD initiatives. By complying with regulations and investing in sustainable practices, companies can improve their reputation, attract, and retain top talent, improve financial performance, and promote diversity and inclusion within their organizations.

    EDLIGO Talent Analytics can support HR departments with a constant flow of data to predict and measure the impact of key strategic decisions and determine the future readiness of the organization, supporting HR departments in their strategic role as a foundation for sustainability.  EDLIGO helps organizations achieve their sustainability goals by providing data-driven, unbiased insights into workforce diversity, employee career aspirations, and mobility opportunities, and supporting the development of individual career paths and training opportunities.

    More about CSRD read here European Commission Portal.


    Talent Analytics: Definition, Use Cases, AI for Talent Management

    Talent Analytics: Definition, Use Cases, AI for Talent Management

    Talent analytics, often referred to as People Analytics or Workforce Data Analysis, is the systematic application of data analysis techniques to extract actionable insights, enabling informed decision-making in talent management. This encompassing approach involves the evaluation of skills, performance, potential, and workforce planning to enhance human capital strategies.

    EDLIGO Talent Analytics Employee Career Aspirations

    Talent Analytics is a powerful and cutting-edge approach that leverages advanced analytics to strategically enhance talent acquisition, management, retention, and development in organizations. This methodology employs data-driven techniques to efficiently collect, analyze, and interpret a wealth of talent-related information.

    A wide range of data sources can be utilized, including employee performance reviews, training records, recruitment data, surveys, and even external data sets such as industry benchmarks. By harnessing the power of Talent Analytics, organizations can make informed decisions, improve their talent management processes, and achieve remarkable results.

    With the help of artificial intelligence and by applying statistical models, machine learning algorithms, and predictive analytics, Talent Analytics aims to uncover valuable insights and patterns that can inform strategic decisions related to talent management. This approach enables organizations to identify the most promising candidates, improve recruitment strategies, enhance employee engagement and satisfaction, and align development programs with individual and organizational goals.

    AI and Talent Analytics

    AI technology has revolutionized Talent Analytics by providing real-time, predictive analytics that helps organizations identify, engage, and retain top talent. By leveraging AI, organizations can analyze vast amounts of data, including employees’ data and CVs, data from employee surveys, social media, job sites, and employee feedback, to gain insights into talent acquisition trends, employee performance, and skills gaps.

    One of the primary benefits of AI-powered Talent Analytics is its ability to predict workforce trends and identify patterns that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. For instance, organizations can use AI to analyze employee data and predict which employees are at risk of leaving the company. They can then take proactive measures, such as offering career development opportunities or adjusting compensation, to retain these employees.

    AI also makes it possible for organizations to personalize talent development programs by analyzing employee skills, career aspirations, and learning styles. With this information, organizations can create customized training programs that meet the unique needs of each employee, which can lead to improved performance and employee satisfaction.

    AI and Talent Analytics Use Cases

    AI and Talent Analytics have significant potential to improve decision-making in HR departments. Here are some of the ways AI and Talent Analytics can support talent management processes:

    • Increasing Retention

    By analyzing employee data, AI and Talent Analytics can identify the factors that contribute to employee retention. This information can be used to create retention strategies that address the unique needs of each employee and improve overall employee satisfaction.

    Predictive analytics plays a crucial role in retention management by leveraging data to forecast and identify potential employee turnover risks, enabling organizations to proactively implement targeted strategies for employee engagement and retention.

    • Personalizing Learning and Development

    AI and Talent Analytics can help organizations create personalized learning and development programs that meet the unique needs of each employee. By analyzing employee data, including performance metrics, skill gaps, career aspirations and learning styles, organizations can create customized training programs that improve employee skills and engagement.

    • Improving Performance Management

    By analyzing performance data, AI and Talent Analytics can identify the factors that contribute to high performance. This information can be used to create performance management strategies that focus on developing employees’ strengths, addressing their weaknesses, and providing ongoing feedback and coaching.

    • Preparing for the Future of Work

    AI and Talent Analytics can play a crucial role in preparing organizations for the future of work. By analyzing market trends, industry changes, and emerging skills, AI can provide insights into the skills and competencies that will be in high demand in the future. HR departments can use this information to develop targeted training programs and succession plans to ensure a skilled workforce that can adapt to changing job requirements.

    • Saving Costs by Automating Processes

    AI and Talent Analytics can help HR departments save costs by automating time-consuming and repetitive processes. For example, AI algorithms can streamline recruitment processes by analyzing resumes, screening candidates, and identifying top talent, thereby reducing the time and resources spent on manual resume screening.

    • Creating Targeted Plans

    AI and Talent Analytics can assist HR departments in creating targeted plans for talent acquisition, development, and retention. By analyzing data on employee performance, skills, and career aspirations, AI can provide insights into the areas where additional training or development opportunities are needed. This enables HR professionals to create targeted plans that address individual employee needs, foster engagement, and promote career growth.

    EDLIGO Talent Analytics

    EDLIGO Talent Analytics is an AI-powered solution that provides organizations with insights into workforce trends, skills gaps, employees career aspirations, performance metrics, and employee engagement levels, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improve HR strategies.

    EDLIGO’s AI-powered Talent Analytics platform enables organizations to:

    • Identify high-potential employees and develop personalized career paths for each employee
    • Predict which employees are at risk of leaving the company and take proactive measures to retain them
    • Analyze the effectiveness of learning and development programs and adjust them to meet employee needs

    The platform provides HR managers and company leaders with real-time data visualization that can be customized to fit the needs of each organization, making it easier to identify skills gaps and analyze workforce trends.

    Employees are the Greatest Assets: New Priorities of CFO in 2023

    Employees are the Greatest Assets: New Priorities of CFO in 2023

    EDLIGO Talent Analytics - Employees are the Greatest Assets: New Priorities of CFO in 2023

    The CFO’s role has undergone a significant evolution, shifting from a primary focus on financial management and reporting to a more strategic responsibility in shaping a company’s culture and strategy. This transformation reflects a change in the CFO’s function. Today’s CFOs are expected to be more than just number crunchers; they are expected to be advocates for employees and drive employee development, diversity, and inclusion initiatives as well as to shape the company culture and strategy.

    The Importance of Employee Development for Business Growth

    In 2023, CFOs are recognizing the significance of prioritizing employee development. They understand that investing in the growth of employees can not only foster personal and professional advancement but also enhance the overall performance of the business. Through the provision of training and development opportunities, employees have the chance to enhance their skills and knowledge, leading to improved job performance and increased engagement.

    Furthermore, CFOs understand investing in employee development serves as a valuable strategy to attract and retain top talent. By offering avenues for employees to learn and grow, companies can cultivate a workforce that is both skilled and highly engaged. This, in turn, can result in higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates, ultimately leading to cost savings for the company.

    As a result, CFOs are prioritizing employee development as a key approach to building a skilled and engaged workforce. They understand that by investing in their employees, they can drive better business performance, creating a win-win situation for both the company and its employees.

    A concrete example of a company that has successfully embraced employee development is Accenture. This organization offers personalized learning experiences to its employees through its digital learning platform. As a result, they have observed a remarkable 22% increase in employee productivity and an impressive 21% reduction in attrition rates. This shows the positive impact that investing in employee development can have on both individual growth and overall company success.


    Embracing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

    In 2023, CFOs are placing increased emphasis on diversity and inclusion.

    Gartner’s research indicates that 75% of CFOs view diversity and inclusion as essential to their company’s success.

    Additionally, a study published in the Harvard Business Review suggests that diverse organizations have achieved a 19% increase in revenue from innovation. Consequently, CFOs are proactively fostering diverse and inclusive workplaces, aiming to create an environment where everyone feels appreciated and treated with respect.

    Companies that have successfully embraced diversity and inclusion have seen a positive impact on their bottom line. For instance, Microsoft has reported a 20% increase in employee satisfaction and a 27% increase in innovation after implementing its diversity and inclusion initiatives.

    CFOs are prioritizing diversity and inclusion because they know that a diverse and inclusive workforce can lead to better decision-making, increased creativity, and innovation. Moreover, it can help companies attract and retain top talent, which is critical for business success.


    Prioritizing Employee Engagement

    Employee engagement is also a key focus for CFOs in 2023. Employee engagement is essential for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. CFOs are prioritizing fostering a culture of inclusion, collaboration, and recognition to promote employee engagement.

    CFOs understand that employee engagement is critical because engaged employees are more productive, more likely to stay with the company, and more likely to provide excellent customer service. Companies that have successfully prioritized employee engagement have seen significant benefits. For example, Cisco’s “People Deal” program has increased employee engagement by 10% and has resulted in a 2% increase in customer satisfaction.


    Advocating for Employees

    As CFOs increasingly focus on promoting employee well-being, development, and inclusion in the workplace, they are emerging as strong advocates for their employees. They recognize that prioritizing employees’ well-being is a critical component of achieving success as a company. By investing in their employees’ well-being, development, and inclusion, they are driving business success.

    A Gartner survey reveals that 80% of CFOs consider employee well-being to be a crucial factor in their company’s success.

    Additionally, Forbes reports that 89% of CFOs believe that their company’s culture and values play a vital role in driving financial performance.

    CFOs advocate for their employees because they know that happy, healthy, and engaged employees are more productive and provide better customer service. Companies that prioritize employee well-being and engagement tend to experience higher employee retention rates, lower turnover costs, and improved financial performance. As a result, CFOs are taking an active role in creating a workplace that fosters employee well-being, development, and inclusion.


    How EDLIGO Can Help

    EDLIGO is a comprehensive Talent Analytics platform that enables CFOs to focus on key employee priorities, such as employee development, diversity, inclusion, and engagement.

    Using the platform, organization leaders can gain valuable insights into their employees’ skills, competencies, and potential, enabling them to make informed decisions about career growth and development opportunities.

    Additionally, EDLIGO‘s Talent Analytics capabilities can help identify and address any potential biases in their promotion processes. With EDLIGO, CFOs can foster a culture of continuous learning and growth, leading to a more diverse and inclusive workplace. The platform offers training and development programs that focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, empowering employees to contribute to a more inclusive and diverse work environment.


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